
Tackling the Infrastructure and Unemployment Crises: The “American System” Solution

A self-funding national infrastructure bank modeled on the “American System” of Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt would help solve not one but two of the country’s biggest problems. Millions of Americans have joined the ranks of the unemployed, and government relief checks and savings are running out; meanwhile, the country still needs […]

All That Was Missing Was The Gilded Royal Carriage

  No one needed to have any special powers to know what a Trump presidency was going to do to America. Putin, after all, is too savvy a player to have bet on a pig in a poke. Now me... since inauguration day I've hoped against hope that there were a pair of Secret Service agents like Satwant Singh and Beant Singh waiting to do their duty to protect our country.

Prometheus and America: The True Story of the American System by Anton Chaitkin

In this second presentation of the series “A Harmony of Interests: Inquiries into the True Nature of the American System“, sponsored by the Rising Tide Foundation, historian Anton Chaitkin (author of Treason in America [1984] and The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush [1991]) introduces his upcoming book and guides us through a powerful sweep of history stretching from a young Benjamin Franklin’s efforts to cr

The Hamilton Hoax: How to dupe the American Left into Worshipping a Fraud

There is a great deal of media manipulation in America nowadays and the main target of this manipulation if the Left. A prime example is how Vladimir Putin is portrayed as a ruthless aggressor and the anti-democratic militarist Alexander Hamilton is seen as America’s first progressive and social justice warrior. This is because “image-making” has replaced historical analysis.
It’s painfully obvious how the media has managed to demonize Putin, but how has the media convinced the public, and particularly the Left, that Hamilton was somehow America’s first progressive?

City Forces Group to Remove Anarchy Symbol, Labeling It “Hate Material”

(TIM) — An anarchist group in Hamilton, a city in the Canadian province of Ontario, has been ordered by officials to remove an anarchy symbol from its headquarters. The officials have declared that the symbol is “hate material similar to the swastika” despite police distancing themselves from the city’s position. “The anarchist symbol is considered hate material […]