Hamburg G 20 Protest

Tensions in Hamburg: The G20 Fractures

  “I think it’s very clear that we could not reach consensus, but the differences were not papered over, they were clearly stated.” Angela Merkel, BBC News, Jul 8, 2017 Such gatherings and summits are not always smooth, but on a planet bearing witness to a Trump presidency, there was always going to be a chance for more excitement at[Read More...]

“The July 2017 G-20 Summit: Beyond The Theatrics

If anything, this is the first time this century is faced with a seemingly intractable set of overlapping problems.They range from Poverty and Unemployment, Human Rights and Climate Change, to xenophobic levels of fear of Global Terrorism, Wars in the Middle East and Africa and, importantly the climacteric threat of war in the Japanese Peninsula.The latter concern must receive priority[Read More...]

Trump’s Sayings In Warsaw And People’s Protests In Hamburg

  There’s warning and concern, there’s assurance and optimism, and, there’s accusation and threat. All these were delivered and expressed by Mr. Donald Trump, the US president. The US president was in Warsaw, a historic city, and was delivering a speech in front of people gathered at Krasinski Square, and was speaking at a news conference. All these happened on[Read More...]