Haathras Rape

Rape of Hathras

Amazing, till about three days ago the news was that a Dalit girl has been raped and killed- as a matter of fact. It occurs every now and then, and here is another such incidence. So do not fret. It happens. That is the audacity with which we are informed about the rape of a Dalit girl. And then, come[Read More...]
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Opposition must unite and act to provide an alternative

The attempt to stop Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi from visiting to Hatharas by the Uttar Pradesh government might have succeeded when they did not allow the convoy to move ahead of Greater Noida and detained both Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi who have been taken to Buddha circuit, a world class facility made by Ms Mayawati when she was the[Read More...]

Haathras Atrocity: Savarna Men Must Speak Up Now!

The horrifically brutal and inhuman act of torture and rape perpetrated by Thakur men on a young Dalit woman in Haathras, Uttar Pradesh, tears at the soul and claws the conscience. It provokes violent thoughts and words and makes it impossible to not imagine a proportional response of the same barbaric extent as the ultimate self-defensive justice. This feeling is[Read More...]