Gwen Graham

Disappointed Gwen Graham Supporters Have No One To Blame But Themselves

I guess the could blame the walking conflicts-of-interest who inhabit the DCCC and EMILY's List, which pushed Graham so hard, but if you're taking any advice from either the DCCC or EMILY's List-- other than using it as a negative indictator-- there's already a problem. Although Graham was careful to hide just how right-wing her instincts are, she never portrayed herself as anything but a cliche-spouting careerist.

Why Would Any Normal Person Give A Damn If Dull Conservatives Gwen Graham Or Steve Southerland Wins?

If you live Inside the Beltway instead of in America, there's a decent chance your involvement with politics centers on Team Red vs Team Blue horse races. And I'm sure that Abby Livingston from Roll Call really and truly meant it today when she tweeted this:Excluding friends and family and horse race aficionados, there is virtually no reason to be interested in the FL-02 race.