Gwen Graham

Why Doesn't Gwen Graham Just Switch Parties And Run As A "Moderate" Republican-- Which Is What She's Always Been?

Bipartisan love-- And #MeToo GrahamGwen Graham is eating Patrick Murphy's lunch... again. When they served in Congress together, briefly thankfully, Murphy was always the second worst Florida Democrat-- in a delegation filled with garbage like Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Alcee Hastings and Corrine Brown, currently serving in a federal penitentiary on basic corruption charges.

After Failing With Right-Of-Center Corporate Dems in Every Gubernatorial Race Since They Ran Buddy MacKay In 1998, Time For Andrew Gillum, A Real Live Progressive

A couple of nights ago, centrist MSNBC host Joy Reid tweeted that "The consequences of elections can be grave, America. Voting to 'shake things up' or 'send an outsider to Washington' or going third party to 'send a message' can mean literal life, death or suffering for lots of people.

Congress And Food Policy-- The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The stated mission of Tom Colicchio's group, Food Policy Action, is to highlight the importance of food policy and to promote policies that support healthy diets, reduce hunger at home and abroad, improve food access and affordability, uphold the rights and dignity of food and farm workers, increase transparency, improve public health, reduce the risk of food-borne illness, support local and regional food systems, protect and maintain sustainable fisheries, treat farm animals humanely and reduce the environmental impact of farming and food production.

How Much Should Anyone Care About Political Endorsements?

Florida has an especially bad congressional delegation-- but this is the bottom rungEarlier today I blamed voters, particularly Bernie voters, for not paying attention to primary races for Congress, for skipping the vote on down-ballot candidates altogether or for even blundering into voting for atrocious Blue Dogs and New Dem

Democrats Spent Millions On Gwen Graham-- Aside From Twisted Bragging Rights, Got Less Than Nothing For The Efforts

Gwen Graham is a Florida Blue Dog with the lowest ProgressivePunch score (27.45)-- by far-- of any Democrat in Congress, from anywhere. Her voting record is so right-wing voting that 5 conservative Republicans-- Mark Sanford (R-SC), Tom Massie (R-KY), Chris Gibson (R-NY), Justin Amash (R-MI) and Walter Jones (R-NC)-- have voted in favor of progressive legislation more frequently than she has.