Gun Violence In USA

Mothers Moving Menacingly….

It doesn’t do much good to point out that mothers are going to keep crying their souls out — losing their lovely children — unless those mothers themselves are willing to die to keep a horror of horrors like the U,.S. Military from twisting the minds of their youngsters… and propagandizing parents to the point of their, then, willingly handing[Read More...]

An Epidemic of U.S Mass Shooting When There Can Be an Answer

That there is a change in the air is evident this time.  Since the mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida on February 14, there have been demonstrations by school kids, their parents and others, confrontations of politicians including the president, and a general feeling that enough is enough. The most prominent opposition to gun control, the National Rifle Association (NRA)[Read More...]

Arming Educators: Trump, Gun Violence And Schools

It had been in the works.  Instead of engaging in the traditional revulsion associated with a mass shooting, or even digesting the grief of outraged students and grieving parents, US President Donald Trump’s solution to guns violence was elementary.  To target the perpetrator, it was necessary to arm instructors, mount the barricades, and raise the stakes. His address of February[Read More...]

World Sees Florida’s 17 as a Tiny Backfire! Invading Armed Americans Kill Millions of Kids   

American college kids only asking for stricter gun laws, should instead ask Iraqis, Libyans, Afghanistani, Somali, and Yemeni what to do about Americans killing Americans, and they will answer, stop invading and killing our people; ask Vietnamese, Koreans, Laotians, Cambodians, Panamanians, Dominicans, Cubans & Grenadines, and they will advise to stop praising GIs sent to kill us as heroes even when they[Read More...]

The School Shooting in Parkland, Florida: Why Do These Atrocities Keep Happening?

  On February 14, 2018, it happened again. Young people, full of potential, their futures before them, shot down… at school, supposedly a place for learning, growing, having fun, making friends, even falling in love. This time the murderous violence struck Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. A former student wielding a semiautomatic rifle massacred 17 people—14 students,[Read More...]

On Jettisoning Failed Leaders And Mass Shootings In The US

The scene is the House of Commons; the date May 7, 1940.  A simple motion to adjourn for the ten-day Whitsun recess is of little concern to Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain who has a comfortable 213 seat majority.  Then things take a turn.  A plan approved by the first First Lord pf the Admiralty Winston Churchill to land troops in[Read More...]

The Bucket of Blood Beyond Parkland

“Sixty-eight percent of U.S. citizens believe that ‘better mental health screening’ would help to reduce the number of school shootings, but one has to ask what’s considered mentally healthy in our spiritually-anemic, sick society.” — Richard Martin Oxman Relationships and loyalties within a family are the strongest and most important ones, say most people. [Pause.] Yes, blood is thicker than[Read More...]

Seventeen Killed in Mass Shooting at Florida High School

Seventeen people were killed and at least 14 more wounded Wednesday afternoon in the latest horrific school shooting in the United States. The tragedy unfolded at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, located some 30 miles northwest of Fort Lauderdale, in Broward County. According to reports, a former student started shooting from outside and then entered the school[Read More...]

If A Guy Named Mohammad Blew Up The Texas Church?

  ‘If a guy named Mohammad blew up that church yesterday. O my God, O my God, Washington would be on fire,” says MSNBC Moring Joe Host. Joe Scarboroug was alluding to Sunday’s shooting at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas that killed at least 26 people and injured 19. Just last week after New York president immediately talked[Read More...]