Gun Control

Is Ammo a More Secure Investment and Means of Barter than Gold or Silver?

While many people have bought precious metals for moderate profits and even some losses over the last year, guns and ammo keep going up, as for the example in chart 1A, which shows Smith and Wesson nearly doubling in price since last year. However, even more interesting is to note that over the last two years, Ruger’s stock…
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Needed: More Than Heartfelt Moments Of Silence After More Brutal, Unspeakable Gun Violence

Most Americans want more regulation of an out-of-control culture of gun violence in America. Gun manufacturers and arms merchants and their lobbyist group, the NRA, are not among that vast majority of Americans. Their bottom lines and political power are at stake. Progressive Congresswoman Donna Edwards (D-MD) has been a longtime rock-solid champion of reasonable gun control.

Roof’s Storm of Bloodshed in Charleston

A STORM OF BLOODSHED IN THE 33rd DEGREEBy Michael Hoffmanwww.revisionisthistory.orgDylann Storm Roof was shown in the national media with a Confederate States of America license plate on June 18, the day which began with the breaking news that the US Supreme Court had upheld the ban on Confederate license plates by the state of Texas (as far as those plates being issued by the state itself).

Hoax or did FBI Really Report that None Died at Sandy Hook?

  One lead investigator of Sandy Hook, Major William Podgorski, recently died suddenly of undisclosed causes at 49. Podgorski took with an illness and was taken to the hospital, had surgery and died without cause being known. Another investigator, Wolfgang W. Halbig, a former state trooper, US customs agent and national school safety consultant, has…

Good News For The GOP: People Have Forgotten About Gun Violence As An Election Issue

So far this cycle, the NRA has handed out direct checks to congressional campaigns to the tune of $540,612. $20,450 went to Democrats and $520,162 went to Republicans. Virtually every Republican gets a piece— and the only Democrats who get anything from them are a handful of the worst of the reactionary Democratic gun shills— John Barrow (Blue Dog-GA), Nick Rahall (Blue Dog-WV), Kurt Shrader (Blue Dog-OR), Tim Walz (MN), Sanford Bishop (Blue Dog-GA), Henry Cuellar (Blue Dog-TX), Collin Peterson (Blue Dog-MN).