Gun Control

Remember How GOP Strategists Used To Get So Excited About "Guns And Gays?" No More

The gun lobby power derives from support of cowardly politicians like Ted StricklandGays used to be a big GOP issue. The tide has turned and now most Republican electeds-- other than in a few backwards Confederate districts-- would rather it not be brought up. Guns as an issue is turning around too. It was once a winner for the GOP and now... Democratic strategists are eager to use gun massacres as a cudgel against Republicans this year.

What Are We Going To Do About Democrats In Name Only?

When Collin Peterson voted against raising the minimum wage, along with 5 other far right Blue Dogs, the DCCC was screaming about Republicans voting against increasing the minimum wage. That was in March of 2013. Steve Israel and Nancy Pelosi were already raising massive amounts of money to help reelect the massively unpopular-- unpopular with Democrats at least-- Peterson and Georgia Blue Dog John Barrow.

Terrorism and Some Hard Truths – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

Image: International and domestic terrorism

 To really make the U.S. safe from Middle East terrorism, Washington will have to dump Israel, play hardball with Saudi Arabia, and swear off the regime-change policy that has so disastrously driven its actions in Iraq, Libya and Syria.  

by Dr. Lawrence Davidson 

If Conservatives Refuse To Protect Us Against NRA Terror, What Good Are They Really?

The video above is a pretty strong statement from P.G. Sittenfeld's Ohio Senate campaign. He's running in a primary against the NRA's most prized Democrat, Ted Strickland, so that he can take on the incumbent Republican, Rob Portman, who's almost been as slavish an NRA shill as Strickland has been. This week, the Senate Democrats voted as a block to end gun sales to terrorism suspects.

Did The NRA Order Paul Ryan To Grow His New Beard?

Ryan's beard is different from Lindsey Graham's beard or Patrick McHenry's beardThe New Republic has commented on the fact Ryan hasn't shaved in a few days and has a scruffy look. They didn't mention that he has blood on his hands for facilitating the NRA's murderous agenda but wondered if "Ryan’s beard is a result of his relentless, sleep-in-the-office work ethic, or if it’s just an effort to reach out to younger voters with a newer, hipper image.

In Ohio And DC, Decrepit Democratic Bosses Are Locking Out The Guy Who Is Actually Their Best Senate Bet

Little Chucky Schucky hasn't even taken over as Senate Democratic Leader yet, but he's already calling the shots. And one of his first shots was to decree that Ohio's Democratic nominee against Republican incumbent Rob Portman shall be Ted Strickland, the other half of the conservative Bobbsey Twins. Strickland is a wretched conservative trying to pass himself off as a progressive for the sake of the primary. But anyone who has watched him amass his putrid record in the House and as Governor, know that Strickland is a Democrat of a couple of generations back, not a progressive.