Gun Control

House Republicans And NRA-Dems Once Again Reject A Call To STUDY Gun Violence

Yesterday the House passed Lamar Smith's Scientific Research in the National Interest Act (H.R. 3293) 236-178, all but 7 Democrats voting NO and all but 4 Republicans voted YES. Donna Edwards wrote an amendment that was meant to allow scientific research about the national epidemic of gun violence and it was brought to the floor as the Democrats' Motion to Recommit.

Gun Fight At Cleveland's Quicken Loans Arena In July? Maybe Not

GOP refuses to allow guns into their eventsI have have to admit-- since I've been writing about it for weeks-- that I've been praying for a deadlocked Republican convention. Once it appeared that Herr Trumpf had pulverized Cruz and would sweep Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada, I couldn't see how the deadlock to keep Trumpf from a first ballot victory would work.

Do You Think Picking The Lesser Of Two Evils In November Is How We Should Chose A President?

Maybe Hillary assumed no one would notice the kinds of hauls she was taking in from the Financial Sector for her presidential run. After all, the titans of Wall Street had largely underwritten her political career from the get go-- to the tune of $36,846,987. The only Members of Congress to whom they were more generous were McCain ($38,054,987) and, as she pointed out at the Sunday debate in South Carolina, Obama ($68,186,749).

Guns And Gays And Hillary Clinton

It takes me hours, most of it in research, to write most DWT posts. Early in January, 2011 I was writing a post about a Blue Dog who had been in office for 5 years. She had joined both Democratic congressional reactionary factions, the Blue Dogs and the Wall Street-owned New Dems. She wasn't bad on gay issues and she was perfect on women's issues but sided with the bad guys on most economic inequality-relkated stuff. Her last rating from the AFL-CIO (2011) was a zero.

Here's A Bizarre Mix Of Hyper-Partisan Gun Nonsense From Alabama, Mississippi And The Part-Time Governor Of New Jersey

Outside of Mississippi, not many people know who GOP backbencher Steven Palazzo is. He beat the odious Blue Dog Gene Taylor in southeast Mississippi's deep red district (R+21) and then faded away, except for one ugly incident. His district-- which includes Biloxi, Pascagoula and Gulfport, his hometown-- was devastated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Over 200 people died and dozens are still listed as missing. Hancock, Harrison and Jackson counties looked like war zones and the economic consequences are still barely calculable, tens of billions of dollars just in Palazzo's district.