Gulf of Mexico

New “Chimera” to Target the World

By Valery Kulikov – New Eastern Outlook – 06.05.2020

Nowadays, as the attention of the global community is drawn to discussions about whether the Coronavirus is man-made or not and the potential involvement of US biolabs in its creation, it is certainly worth mentioning the latest invention: a new “mutant enzyme that breaks down plastic bottles for recycling in hours.”

Huge Dead Zone In Gulf Of Mexico Traced To Midwest Meat Industry

Cattle trounce around a huge pile of manure at the JBS feed lot west of Greeley in Kersey, Colo. (AP/Ed Andrieski)
NEW ORLEANS – Tyson Foods, the largest meat producer in the United States, is a major cause of an enormous dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico – expected to be the largest ever this summer – according to a new report from an environmental nonprofit.

Oil from BP Spill Has Been Found in Terrestrial Birds

It’s been more than six years since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, killing 11 workers and dumping some 700,000 cubic feet (ca.154 million gallons) of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The hearts of people worldwide broke at the sight of oil-covered pelicans and dolphins swimming in oil slicks. That was only the beginning of ­the environmental damage, however. Now carbon from the spill has been found in the feathers and digestive tracts of seaside sparrows. [1]
The oil has officially entered the food chain.

New Study Confirms Dolphin Deaths in Gulf Caused by BP Oil Spill

As investigators learn that the latest 101,000 gallon oil spill in California was due to the pipeline owner allowing the pipe to degrade to the thickness of an American nickel, a peer reviewed study published in PLOS ONE states that because of BP’s 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, bottlenose dolphin mortality rates have skyrocketed.

Video: Flesh-Eating Bacteria Strikes Again in the Gulf of Mexico

Ever since the BP Gulf oil spill of 2011, the incidence of cases of flesh-eating bacteria coming directly from the Gulf of Mexico has steadily increased. Bacteria such as Vibrio vulnificus are usually the primary cause of these emergency cases. The subsequent raging infections can spread so quickly that they often necessitate the amputation of a limb.

Fossil Fools

We are fossil fools. In fact, fossil fuel companies have been playing us for fools for so long that we barely notice their power, their control, and the destructive consequences these monolithic companies have over us; that is, until directly affected. Subtle exploitation is all around, but special harm has come through deepwater drilling off our coast or penetration of our shale with the ravages of fracking.