Guest Contributions

Joe Biden nominated Hampton Dellinger, a former colleague and law partner of Hunter Biden, to lead the United States Office of Special Counsel

How much open corruption will the American people take? “Joe Biden nominated Hampton Dellinger, a former colleague and law partner of Hunter Biden, to lead the United States Office of Special Counsel (OSC) yesterday, a top federal watchdog tasked with protecting our nation’s civil servants from political targeting. CONGRESSMAN GAETZ RESPONDS TO JOE BIDEN’S NOMINATION…

Why Doesn’t Putin Simply Use Sufficient Force to End the Ukraine Conflict Before It Escalates Further?

Why Doesn’t Putin Simply Use Sufficient Force to End the Ukraine Conflict Before It Escalates Further? “You only practice for something if you think that there is a decent chance that it will actually happen.  This week, two tests will be conducted that sound rather ominous.  The first of these tests will happen in Russia…

The mRNA Covid Vax is best described as a “a killer vaccine” which from the outset in December 2020 has resulted in a Worldwide upward movement in mortality and morbidity  

The mRNA Covid Vax is best described as a “a killer vaccine” which from the outset in December 2020 has resulted in a Worldwide upward movement in mortality and morbidity The Nobel Committee has given the medicine prize to two people who produced a killer “vaccine.” This demonstrates the complete collapse of scientific standards and the…

Covid Vax Causes Type 1 Diabetes in Children & Adults

Covid Vax Causes Type 1 Diabetes in Children & Adults…  My Take… One of my favourite Twitter accounts, Ethical Skeptic, published Today, Oct.3, 2023 an update on USA All Cause Mortality in ages 0-24, which is now at an ALL TIME HIGH since the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines rolled out, with a 42% excess mortality:…

The Hard Evidence Mounts that They Intend to Kill Us All

The Hard Evidence Mounts that They Intend to Kill Us All In early April 2023, microbiologist Kevin McKernan — a former researcher and team leader for the MIT Human Genome project1 — posted a preprint paper2 detailing massive DNA contamination in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s bivalent COVID booster shots.3,4,5,6 As explained in the abstract:7 “Several methods were deployed to…

The Collapse of American Criminal Justice

The Collapse of American Criminal Justice The radicalization and politicization of our criminal justice system has resulted in the United States becoming the most dangerous country in the first world and more dangerous than many in the third world. The murder rate is rising but the arrest rate is falling. Blacks mainly murder one another,…