
DISCUSS: WHO declares monkeypox “global emergency”

About three hours ago it was announced the World Health Organization has officially declared the “monkeypox outbreak” a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). Following their second emergency meeting on monkeypox in less than a month, WHO Director-General Thedros Adhanom told the press: In short, we have an outbreak that has spread around the …

British “watchdog” journalists unmasked as lap dogs for the security state

Events of the past few days suggest British journalism – the so-called Fourth Estate – is not what it purports to be: a watchdog monitoring the centers of state power. It is quite the opposite. The pretensions of the establishment media took a severe battering this month as the defamation trial of Guardian columnist Carole […]

UK’s “junk food” ad ban: The future of state-corporate cooperation

Kit Knightly Audio Version New Feature! There’s currently an interesting example of the interplay of state and corporate power going on in the UK. It doesn’t seem like important news alongside Ukraine and Monkeypox and school shootings, but for a while now the UK government has planned to implement new rules banning grocery stores from …

The Russian attack on Ukraine and the Western propaganda system

The Russian attack on Ukraine and the Western propaganda systemby Ian SinclairMorning Star14 March 2022 The Russian invasion of Ukraine has confirmed the criminal barbarity of the Russian government and the leadership of its armed forces. On 8 March Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, said two million people had fled Ukraine since […]

Revenge of the Putin-Nazis!

CJ Hopkins And they’re back! It’s like one of those 1960s Hammer Film Productions horror-movie series with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee … Return of the Putin-Nazis! Revenge of the Putin-Nazis! Return of the Revenge of the Bride of the Putin-Nazis! And this time they are not horsing around with stealing elections from Hillary Clinton with anti-masturbation Facebook …