guaranteed jobs

What Sounds Better To You-- Guaranteed Basic Income Or Federal Job Guarantee

I love learning new stuff and this cycle Blue America is backing some really smart candidates with some excellent ideas. Every time I speak with milllennial political leaders like state Rep Kaniela Ing (HI) and former Treasury Department economist Austin Frerick (IA), for example, I feel like I’m learning something new.

Bernie Sanders Vs... Artur Davis: Guaranteed Jobs

Right-wing Democrat-turned-Republican Artur Davis was originally put into office with AIPAC money after his predecessor, Earl Hilliard, got a little too uppity for about the Palestinians. He represented a super blue Alabama district from 2003 'til 2011 when he ran for governor and was badly defeated in the primary, even in the bluest parts of his own district.

Alan Grayson Has Been Out Of Congress Long Enough

Please help Blue America urge Alan Grayson to run for Congress again. I sense he's halfway there already-- and I was right when I told you in 2015 Bernie was ready to run for president. All the Democrats representing the Orlando area are ineffective conservatives from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party-- Blue Dogs and New Dems.