Greg Sargent

Damage Control At Trump Tower-- The Candidate Is A Moocher, A Freeloader And A Business Failure

While Trumpian surrogates like Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie fanned out over the airwaves yesterday to repeat Trumpy-the Clown's newest-- post Alicia Machado-- talking point-- that Trumpf is "a genius" after losing a billion dollars and then not paying any taxes for 18 years-- Bernie Sanders had a very different message.

If He'll Sell Them Out On Xenophobia, Can Trump's Fans Trust Him On Anything At All?

Despite all the hubbub in recent days, Team Trumpanzee isn't grappling for a coherent immigration policy, just a p.r. approach that can appease suburban voters who shun overt racism, xenophobia and gratuitous viciousness while not turning off Trump's base among racists, xenophobes and the gratuitously vicious. Republican Party operative Stuart Stevens hasn't been impressed. He referred to the Trumpanzee Campaign as "utter chaos [and] a smash and grab operation, not a campaign." The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has always remained neutral in presidential races-- until this year.

On This 4th Of July We Should Ask Ourselves How Hard Will Daesh Work To Get Trump Elected President?

Trump is probably correct when he says the global elite is out the get him and that they'd prefer Hillary over him. They'd also prefer Hillary over Bernie, probably by even higher numbers. But can there really be any doubt that every dedicated enemy of America is rooting for Trump to win the presidency?

Who's Going To Win In November?

The Priorities USA Action ad above, is by a pro-Hillary SuperPAC thatch helped raise millions of dollars for "before" she officially became a candidate. The ad, however, scheduled to start running tomorrow in swing states, is a purely anti-Trump ad and could be as helpful to candidate Bernie as it is to candidate Hillary. Good ad. The second ad from the SuperPAC, slightly more abstract, is below. $6 million dollars worth of these to will be on TV screens in Ohio, Florida, Virginia and Nevada this week and in Iowa, New Hampshire and Colorado soon after.

Who's Going To Win In November?

The Priorities USA Action ad above, is by a pro-Hillary SuperPAC thatch helped raise millions of dollars for "before" she officially became a candidate. The ad, however, scheduled to start running tomorrow in swing states, is a purely anti-Trump ad and could be as helpful to candidate Bernie as it is to candidate Hillary. Good ad. The second ad from the SuperPAC, slightly more abstract, is below. $6 million dollars worth of these to will be on TV screens in Ohio, Florida, Virginia and Nevada this week and in Iowa, New Hampshire and Colorado soon after.

DCCC Blowing The Trump Advantage With Incomprehensible Recruitment In Latino-Rich Districts

Trump has certainly been a catalyst for increased voter registration among Hispanics. A national poll of Hispanic voters indicates that Latino voter participation in November is going to break all records and that, overwhelmingly, it's because of animus towards Trump and the Republican Party.