
Greenwashing : les grandes compagnies pétrolières protègent les combustibles fossiles en mentant sur leurs ambitions écologiques

Un récent sondage d’opinion a ébranlé le monde des lobbyistes de Big Oil dans leurs célèbres costumes à mille dollars et leurs chaussures en crocodile. Selon le Pew Research Center, 37 % des Américains estiment désormais que la lutte contre la crise climatique devrait être la priorité numéro un du président Joe Biden et du […]

How Israel’s Occupation of Palestine Intensifies Climate Change

“Israel's actions over the last almost 75 years demonstrate that there is very little regard for the indigenous landscape, the indigenous flora and fauna, the wildlife population, and the indigenous people.” – Zena Agha, Middle East Institute
The post How Israel’s Occupation of Palestine Intensifies Climate Change appeared first on MintPress News.

Backed by AFRICOM, corporations plunder DR Congo for “climate-friendly” materials and blame China

Cobalt, a key metallic element used in lithium batteries and other “green” technology, is sourced from slave labor in the Democratic Republic of Congo. As the West points the finger at China, the US Africa Command is indirectly policing mining operations that profit US corporations. Ever since Belgium’s King Leopold II (1835-1909) established the Congo Free State in 1885, international powers have exploited the region’s vast resources. Leading a regime that went on to kill an estimated eight million people […]

Washing Away One Trail of Tears After Another

White Washing: According to one Merriam-Webster definition, to whitewash is to “gloss over or cover up,” which, in a sense, is what the racial form of whitewashing does. It creates a White world where sins against people of color, including Blacks, Native Americans, Asians, Latinos, and other minority groups cease to matter because, in revisionist […]
The post Washing Away One Trail of Tears After Another first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Monkey Planet: Moore Misses the Message of the Book

The chief causes of the environmental destruction that faces us today are not biological, or the product of individual human choice. They are social and historical, rooted in the productive relations, technological imperatives, and historically conditioned demographic trends that characterize the dominant social system. Hence, what is ignored or downplayed in most proposals to remedy the environmental crisis is the most critical challenge of all: the need to transform the major social bases of environmental degradation, and not simply to tinker with its minor technical bases.

Tuna Ranked: How to Really Avoid BPA and Mercury in Your Fish

Why have tuna sales in America  dropped significantly? Tuna still is the most popular canned fish of all time, but health concerns involving the packaging is playing a part in the diminishing popularity of the food. This, as well as the poor quality and safety of the food itself, environmental concerns regarding overfishing, and unintentionally harming other aquatic life. Does your tuna measure up? Read on to find out.