green tea

7 Natural Anti-Anxiety Herbs to Reduce Stress

In the documentary created by National Geographic and researchers from Stanford University, Stress, Portrait of a Killer, experts outline just how deadly stress can be. (Watch the documentary below.) The good news, though, is that there are numerous natural herbs and supplements that can reduce stress without causing as many (if any) side effects or other mental health conditions as many pharmaceutical psychotropic meds do.
Here are 7 natural anti-anxiety herbs for reducing anxiety and stress (and the documentary video).

Adrenal Fatigue Treatment – 15 Essential Rescue & Recovery Tips

Adrenal fatigue is a commonly experienced syndrome in today’s world of stress and high energy. Adrenal fatigue symptoms are often confused for other health issues, and are largely ignored by mainstream medicine. Just as with thyroid conditions, those who are easily fatigued, full of anxiety, or exhausted constantly can face a battle that not many others understand. If you suspect you might have adrenal fatigue (and so many of us do), it is time to uncover adrenal fatigue treatment and solutions that could really work.

5 Foods to Include for Total Cardiovascular Protection

Author: Jason Phillips

Looking after your heart is incredibly important, especially if you have a family history of cardiovascular problems. But it can be tricky to avoid the wrong foods and choose the right foods. Here are 3 foods you can utilize to improve cardiovascular health over summer, as well as 2 supplements you could include to avoid extra guilt.

10 Amazing Foods to Add to the Standard American Diet

If you’ve been contemplating how to get more nutrition while consuming less calories, you’re not alone. The average American is said to need an approximate 2000 calories depending on their height, gender, and physical activity levels. But the reality is that individuals consume much more than this, and the foods making up these calories are certainly not on a ‘healthy’ level most of the time.

Is Your Tea Loaded with Toxic Fluoride?

An increasing percentage of the population has been getting smart about the dangers of drinking cola and other kinds of soda pop, and they’re abandoning it in droves. So as an alternative to soda, individuals are choosing boxed and bottled tea as a primary substitute beverage. This is no surprise because tea has a list of health benefits that can’t be ignored. But unless you know which teas to choose, you may be simply trading evils and consuming toxic fluoride.