green new deal

The Great Reset Fraud

Like everyone, I would love to live in a pollution-free world. I would love to see human civilization strike a balance with nature and at the risk of sounding like a naïve idealist, I sincerely do believe that this is ultimately our destiny as a species. My personal experience has led me to the conclusion that we have only failed to achieve this paradigm as a species due to the system (and cultural influence) of oligarchism which has managed to stubbornly sink its claws parasitically onto its host for a few too many generations- corrupting and perverting everything that it dominates.

Why IPCC ‘Climate Science’ Doesn’t Add Up, Facebook Censoring the Debate

Is the public getting fair and balanced information regarding the climate debate? One reason the facts are not making it into mainstream discourse is that there are active campaigns like “Climate Feedback” and “Climate Power 2020,” led by billionaire anti-fossil-fuel activist Tom Steyer, who have convinced Facebook to actively remove any content which challenges the Establishment’s ‘climate change’ narrative.

2020: A Rough Year for Greta?

The tea leaves are beginning to turn out. This may well be the year in which the climate change movement begins to go off the rails.

It started off great, as elites and climatists descended on Davos to press home what looked to be the final mile in ramming through the adoption of some form of global Green New Deal by year’s end. Their secret weapon, a Swedish teen, was primed, locked and loaded.

House Democrats Pass $1.5-Trillion Infrastructure Bill. It Will Die in the Senate

Senator McConnell said that the Democrats' proposals were only drawn up to show solidarity to the radical left. President Trump is also working on his own $2-trillion infrastructure plans and wants to give Americans another stimulus check to buy their support. Neither party has figured out how to pay for any of it.

UKC News: Gov-Media COVID Killjoys Try to Shut Down Beaches, Pubs to Enforce Their ‘New Normal’

The hottest day of the year hits Britain, and surfs up, and government-media complex is desperate as ever to push their “second wave” fear campaign in order to try to keep beaches and pubs as empty as possible. The social distancing obsession continues in the Netherlands where a venue rolled out a bizarre beta test for COVID ‘nightclub’ during the daylight hours, bringing ‘New Normal’ charade to new heights. Meanwhile, life in most European countries is carrying on as normal without all of the colorful children’s signage and arrows on pavements.