green new deal

The Situation is Hopeless, Just Hopeless

Soon people will be coming here to make documentaries about how we’ve been forgotten, about how nothing has been done. — survivor of the Brumadinho dam collapse Some call them ‘mountains of doom.’ Dotting the landscape of once-green Wales to this day are the stygian slag heaps resulting from centuries-old collieries, mammoth piles of debris […]
The post The Situation is Hopeless, Just Hopeless first appeared on Dissident Voice.

What Joe Biden’s Electoral College “Victory” Really Means

Kit Knightly So, the electoral college cast their votes, and they handed Joe Biden the Presidency. The decision was never in any serious doubt. We’ve been over the evidence the election was rigged, we’ve discussed at length the potential corruption of postal ballots (historically the least safe way to vote, and most liable to fraud). …

 The Green New Deal as Climate Denial

Climate activists all over the world have been working to try and use the huge Covid opportunity to help to finally transition off fossil fuels. Most have been piggybacking on the Green New Deal  framework proposed by the Democrats in the US. How could a plan to invest in a Green New Deal for Australia be serious mis-education of Australians[Read More...]

Lighting up the Elite’s Solutions will Still Smell of Sulphur

I also know that one must do what one can do. No matter how little it is, it is nonetheless a human testimony and human testimonies, as long as they are not based on greed or personal ambition for power, can have unexpected positive effects.…I believe in local action and in small dimensions. It is […]
The post Lighting up the Elite’s Solutions will Still Smell of Sulphur first appeared on Dissident Voice.