green new deal

Chile shifts left to rewrite Pinochet-era constitution, as Goldman Sachs eyes its copper reserves

Ben Norton speaks with Chilean activist and politician Pablo Sepúlveda Allende about the historic May 15/16 elections in which left-wing and independent candidates won two-thirds of the seats for a convention to rewrite the constitution, which dates back to the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. Sepúlveda Allende, a grandson of Chile’s legendary socialist President Salvador Allende, also discusses Chile’s enormous copper reserves, which are some of the largest in the world, and are now being targeted by US corporations, after […]

 What Would a Deep Green New Deal Look Like?

The Green New Deal has attracted perhaps the greatest attention of any proposal for decades. It would guarantee Medicare-for-All, Housing-for-All, student loan forgiveness and propose the largest economic growth in human history to address unemployment and climate change. But the last of these hits a stumbling block. Creation of all forms of energy contributes to the destruction of nature and[Read More...]

What Would a Deep Green New Deal Look Like?

The Green New Deal has attracted perhaps the greatest attention of any proposal for decades. It would guarantee Medicare-for-All, Housing-for-All, student loan forgiveness and propose the largest economic growth in human history to address unemployment and climate change. But the last of these hits a stumbling block. Creation of all forms of energy contributes to the […]

A Winning Climate and Political Approach

I don’t have any regrets about the work, and the 32-day hunger strike, that I did last fall to get Joe Biden elected. I knew what we would be getting: first and most important, an end to Trump in the White House and second, someone replacing him who wasn’t a climate denier. I support the […]
The post A Winning Climate and Political Approach first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Biden’s $2-Trillion “American Jobs Plan” Will Kill Jobs, Raise Taxes, and Enforce Green New Deal Policies

Congressman Steve Scalise said that the bill raises taxes, increases debt, bans right to work laws, kills energy jobs, and mandates Green New Deal provisions. To fund the plan, Biden is proposing a corporate tax-rate of 28%, which will cause more businesses to leave the US and ship jobs overseas.

No-Go Zone: Biden Tax Hike, SEC Targets LBRY/Odysee, The Post-Human Era Has Begun

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Henrik cover some of the latest news in episode 47 of No-Go Zone.
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