green new deal

Cows Don't Fart-- They Belch... And Why Status Quo Joe Isn't a Credible Standard-Bearer For The Democratic Party

Bill McKibben, the country's foremost green energy expert and activist, wrote that Biden "is too stuck in the past to be a credible standard-bearer for the Democratic party." He doesn't understand anything about the climate crisis and thinks the solution is fracking. Like everyone concerned about climate policy, McKibben's internal alarm system went off Friday when Biden's brain trust said they're looking for a "middle ground" on climate.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says She Was Just Kidding About the “World Ending in 12 Years”

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez flipped her position on the imminent destruction of the world in 12 years unless Americans accept her radical Green New Deal. She now says the timeline was a joke that Republicans took too literally because they are confused by dry humor and sarcasm.

An Electoral Strategy For Democratic Activists... But NOT For The Faint Of Heart

Rep. X is in this photo of Republicans pretending to be DemocratsI was invited to join a conference call yesterday with a group of committed activists in a red district with an ultra-right-wing Democratic congressmember, who I will refer to as X, so as not to give anything away I was asked to not write about yet. X, a freshman, immediately joined the Blue Dog and New Dems and has a ghastly (F) voting record already.

Fact: AOC's Plan For Climate Change Costs Much, Much Less Than The Republican Party Plan

As we mentioned Friday, when Pelosi appendage Ben Ray Luján noticed this his Senate primary opponent, Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, is already campaigning on the Green New Deal, AND that his state party had unanimously endorsed the Green New Deal, he crapped his pants and then scurried over to AOC's office to ask to be a co-sponsor of her G

Here's Why Establishment Conservatives HATE Primaries-- Poor Ben Ray Luján

When Ben Ray was chair of the DCCC last year...When Tom Udall announced he wouldn't run for another 6 year Senate term in 2020, DC swamp monster, Ben Ray Luján, immediately announced his availability. Like his old pal, Joe Crowley, Luján is quite popular in DC and if it was only lobbyists and consultants and the Washingtonian elite voting, he would win.

How Has Climate Change Affected Europe?

-by Michelle SchlechtriemThere is no way around the fact that the climate is changing and that extreme weather events are occurring more and more often. In 2018, Europe saw its most extreme weather events with record heat and precipitation across the continent.Now, in the beginning of 2019, record daily winter temperatures have been measured in several European countries. The UK, for example, saw record-breaking temperatures which hadn’t been this high in the last 122 years. Additionally, the UK experienced its hottest February in history.

Despite The DCCC, House Democrats Should Do Well Next Year Thanks To Trump

Medicare-For-All original co-sponsor Josh Harder (CA) raked in a stupendous $800,000 in the first quarter. Just imagine how much he would have raised if he was also co-sponsoring the Green New Deal and a $15 minimum wageIf the Democrats don't deliver on the expectations voters have of them-- Medicare-For-All, a $15 minimum wage, the Green New Deal, etc-- 2022 is going to be a banner year for the GOP-- akin to 2010.

Why Marianne Williamson Belongs On That Debate Stage

Marianne Williamson is not a member of the Inside the Beltway Club, and the Democratic establishment-- including their media allies and polling firms-- have largely blacked her out and pretended her campaign doesn't exist. (That said, she will be a guest on Morning Joe tomorrow.) When some random polls do include her, she always polls ahead of the 1% crowd, even U.S. senators like Kirsten Gillibrand and Amy Klobuchar and Reps like John Delaney and Julian Castro.