green new deal

The Climate Crisis Isn't On Hold Until After Trump Is Impeached

Everybody's attention span seems fully engaged with impeaching Trump right now. Many people predicted-- correctly-- that that is exactly hat would happen and that it would take a sense of urgency away from other urgent matters, the Climate Crisis being on the top of most lists. This isn't something that we have infinite time to get to; we have very little time get to it and the power of concentrated wealth is lined up against doing anything at all.

Climate and the Little Green Women and Men

The Little Green Women and Men (LGWM) are us, humanoids, especially those living in the west, believing we command Mother Earth. Well, no wonder, there is a group among us, who claims to be “God’s Chosen People” – and they act it all the way. So much so, that they and their influence on LGWMs, have almost managed to dominate all the women, men and resources of Mother Earth.

Fighting for a Green New Deal-- in the Heart of Texas

-by Mike SiegelMy friend Harvey Hayek is a vintage Texan. A third generation pecan farmer in Fayette County, he owns a gun club, hundreds of prime agricultural acres on the Texas Colorado River, and a bottomless store of homespun stories. Unfortunately, the most compelling of these relates to a coal plant that opened next door, forty years ago, and destroyed Harvey’s livelihood-- and almost his life.Harvey’s farm is a stone’s throw from the Fayette Coal Plant, a publicly-owned power plant built in the late 1970s.

The Hypocrisy of the Climate Strikes Across America Exposed as a Leftist Power Grab that Exploits Children

The manifesto for the Youth Climate Strike calls for state-owned banks, single-payer healthcare, affordable housing, expanded rights for sexual minorities and more political goals that have nothing to do with the environment. AOC's adviser admitted the goal of her Green New Deal is to change the economy.