green new deal

Trump and Putin Discuss Space Cooperation: Why Open System Economics Must Prevail

Originally published on the Canadian Patriot Review
President Trump and Putin’s 3rd call in three days on April 12 not only involved lengthy discussions on the important matter of oil price adjustments, and COVID-19 response coordination but also the extremely important, yet often overlooked matter of space cooperation.

GreenPeace Finds Bernie Is The Best Candidate On Climate And Bloomberg The Worst

Bloomberg's campaign has been writing endorsement quotes for the elected officials who want to announce they are backing him. One talking point the campaign wants to float is that he's great on Climate. But he isn't great on Climate. The Sunrise Movement has vetted his plan carefully and doesn't seem impressed.

Andy Levin And AOC Are Working To Tear Down A Barrier For Consumers Interested In Buying An Electric Vehicle

When Trump first got to the White House, he saw infrastructure spending as a perfect way to transfer taxpayer dollars into his own pocket and the pockets of his campaign donors-- until Pelosi and Schumer told him that isn't the way it works. So he colored on his campaign promises of rebuilding American infrastructure.