green economy

‘Green Panic’: Auto Execs Are Sensing EV ‘Multi-Billion-Dollar Electrification’ Collapse

"People are finally seeing reality," says Toyota. "This is a pretty brutal space," says Mercedes. GM sees the transformation to EVs as "a bit bumpy." Statements like these indicate the auto industry is in a free fall, along with customer demand. These execs should be wondering, "How stupid were we to buy into this stupid electrification scheme in the first place?" The "Green Panic" will continue.

‘Green Panic’: Siemens Energy Stock Collapses As Industry Melts Down

Siemens is a pillar company of the World Economic Forum, which wants to flip the world into Technocracy. The problem? It won't work. It never has worked. Where Technocracy touches the free market economy, gangrene sets in. It's like anti-matter coming into contact with matter. The green economy is a free-fall collapse, but it won't deter companies like Siemens from pouring money down the drain.

WEF Declares That The Color Of Democracy Is… Green?

This thinly-veiled screed of propaganda protests that the reason "green energy" programs are failing is because the price of traditional energy is too low. Further, if we don't fix this price disparity, we are not "protecting democracy." Thus, driving up energy prices protects democracy. This insane reasoning is the bedrock ideology of the Great Reset, Green New Deal and Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.