
It Is Bettter to Light One Candle than to Curse the Darkness

The world is in bad shape. Every reasonably intelligent, aware, objective person in the world knows, if only intuitively, that something is very, very wrong. There should not be this many armed conflicts, this much anger, this much violence, this much unemployment and underemployment, this much debt, this much homelessness, hunger, poverty, this ever widening gap between the income and wealth of the super rich and everyone else, and this much distrust in government and politicians. The future does not look good; a financial crisis and a socioeconomic collapse are just around the corner.

Esoteric Hollywood: Willy Wonka’s Trauma Factory w/Jennifer Sodini

Jennifer Sodini of joins me to discuss three films of note: Gandahar, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and Star Wars for their deeper significance. In fact, not only are these films irredeemably bizarre, they also demonstrate deep occult notions, and Willy Wonka in particular (written by British Intelligence Agent Roald Dahl), a favorite amongst traumatized kids and those in the mood to get stoned.

32,000 Children Die Every Day in the World

A few years ago I was walking with my dog on one of the many forest trails in this area, when we crossed paths with a man I knew only by sight.  He was a distant neighbor.  Since we were going in the same direction we fell into step and engaged in small talk about the weather and recent news events.  When it became obvious we had somewhat similar views about the world I said I was upset that reliable sources estimate 32,000 children die every day in the world, from hunger and hunger-related diseases when there is enough food to feed them.  He replied, “Oh, I don’t want to think about that,