US delegation to Russia met with lies from Democrats

As reported on the Duran, an American Congressional delegation comprised of seven Republican US Senators and Congressmen traveled to Russia from June 30 to July 5th. During this time the delegation met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Sergey Kislyak.
The two sides expressed hope for a thawing of relations between the US and Russia, which have been in a very poor state since 2014.

DOJ releases DAMNING report on FBI handling of Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation

The Associated Press on Thursday, June 14th, announced early in the morning that the Justice Department released its long-awaited report. Compiled by Inspector General David Horowitz, the 568 page report details the investigation into the practices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation under Director James Comey in regard to the matter of Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server and her compromise of classified information through the use of a non-secure server.
Here are some of the findings:

John McCain plans funeral, REGRETS choosing Sarah Palin as running mate

Senator John McCain may be dying, but he is not experiencing the warm fuzzy camaraderie one might expect. The Senator is battling brain cancer, and at this time the treatment is aggressive and of course the cancer is debilitating. However, people who are close to the senator told the White House that he does not want President Donald Trump to attend his funeral, asking for VP Mike Pence to attend instead.
The White House has not given an immediate comment.