Limbaugh: Pelosi’s attack on eSalon owner example of Liberals always on offense

Rush Limbaugh is pretty much the King of accurate analysis of liberal political figures. Like many others, he followed the new debacle around Nancy Pelosi – let’s call this one “HairGate”, shall we? As many readers already know, Nancy Pelosi went to an eSalon facility in San Francisco to get her hair washed and get it blow-dried. The salon was closed under COVID-19 regulations set in place by Nancy Pelosi’s nephew, California Governor Gavin Newsom (former mayor of San Francisco).

For those who think President Trump is not Christian: watch this. [Video]

This is one of the reasons why there is so much vitriol being dumped out all over President Trump from the Left, the Democrats, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband and so many more. They do not like it when someone walks the walk with regard to Christianity. It is far more convenient to have someone who “goes to church” but doesn’t do what God wants of them. VP Joe Biden and his wife are involved in such a playact, and so are Kamala Harris and her husband. We have noted this before but it needs to be pointed out again and again and again.

Steven Turley: New Civil War being fought on three fronts [Video]

Remember this piece I wrote a few months back? “The Second Civil War Part III” in which I outlined the rural/urban divide that denotes this conflict? And also how there is no real option other than that the rural side will win, because of one simple truth:
Cities cannot feed themselves.
See? I told you so. I caught on to this several weeks ago.

Attorney General William Barr talks race, justice and law in America [Video]

Attorney General William “Bill” Barr has shown himself to be one of President Trump’s very best picks through the course of his first Presidential term of office. This very measured, very calm man has a gift of making legal sense out of chaotic and otherwise very passion-filled situations. It is certainly the truth that presently in the United States there are many highly passion-filled situations taking place simultaneously, and in fact, these are intertwined.