President Trump’s case advances in multiple states as Fraud allegations hit home [Video]

The GOP legislators in Pennsylvania are crafting a resolution to take back the authority granted them by the Federal Constitution to select and seat that state’s electors. This means that the GOP can pick people that will be likely to cast their 20 electoral votes largely, or entirely, for President Trump’s reelection. This move came […]

Damn good television: An excerpt from the PA hearing [Video]

This is a brief segment, about 5-10 minutes, of the opening of the hearing before the Pennsylvania Commonwealth (Pennsylvania is technically a commonwealth, not a state, but it acts like a state) showing some indicators of the massive election fraud that took place in that state. Mayor Rudy Giuliani shows his prosecutorial prowess in the […]

Michigan GOP reverses decision, caves in to leftist threats

*****News Topic 160***** Wayne County leftist Ned Staebler threatens GOP canvassers… HERE’S THE VIDEO – Wayne County leftist Ned Staebler threatens GOP canvassers… Wayne County, Michigan reverses its decision not to certify the county vote. William Hartmann and Monica Palmer, the two Republicans on the Wayne County Board of Canvassers are threatened by fellow canvasser […]

USA, Russia, Orthodoxy & The Ukraine Schism – Jim Jatras

 Jim Jatras returns to discuss the history of espionage and geopolitics as it relates to Ukraine, Russia and Orthodoxy in the USA.  We cover the Bolshevik Revolution, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Cold War espionage, ‘KGB Bishops,’ persecution, CIA and expatriates, the present state of Moscow and the West and the new Cold War as it […]
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Trump declassifies ALL Russiagate internal documents [Video]

By rights, this ought to be one of the biggest news stories of the year. After almost four years of battling with the fictitious narrative we know and love as Russiagate, President Donald Trump showed great confidence in ordering the declassification of all documents – ALL of them, WITHOUT redactions of any kind – as they pertain to the Russiagate fiasco and the eventual attempts by the GOP to sort out and expose the wrongdoing in what has turned out to be the most significant attempt at a coup d’etat ever to happen with an American presidency.

Election 2020 to be “dumpster fire” as Dems intent on taking country by force [Video]

The Democrats appear to be threatening an all out coup d’etat if their guy doesn’t win. Unless there is an epic landslide in favor of one or the other candidates, the election results will be contested. Depending on who contests, the violence may become extreme. So goes the prediction laid out on Tucker Carlson’s program, shown here below: