LIONEL PODCAST: America’s Suicide Pact

Why are you so worried about “debates.” They’re not debates. They’re beauty pageants. Mindless media diversions. Psychotic interludes. Charm school rejects and sleight of hand. Bought and paid for political hacks playing the ol’ switcheroo. Just look at the topics that seem to command so much of our collective attention. Look at what we find interesting, critical and what we ignore and reject altogether. Look at the attention that our media will pay to underinflated footballs and other pseudo-controversies; it is beyond my comprehension.

Core Bore Trump Trumps Craven Ravings

Why has Donald Trump surged in popularity with Republican Party partisans?
The two stout legs on which the Republican Party firmly stands are bigotry and greed. In order to grasp control of American public attention to meet the demands of its two core principles, the Republican Party reaches out with a left hand of lying and a right hand of hypocrisy.

Trump for President? Giving the GOP Nightmares

Donald Trump, the bombastic builder of Trump towers and Trump gambling casinos is moving from his reality TV show to the theater of presidential elections. If he survives the first three months of mass media drubbing him and his notorious affliction of ‘leaving no impulsive opinion behind,’ he’s going to be trouble for the other fifteen or so Republican presidential candidates.