No-Go Zone: Youngkin Distraction, Children To Be Mass-Jabbed As Whistleblower Expose Pfizer’s Vaccine Trials

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Henrik cover the latest in episode 76 of No-Go Zone.
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Larry Elder’s surge in California brings out the race baiters [Video]

The race-baiting wave of 2020-2021 took a slightly unusual turn over the weekend when a Los Angeles Times opinion writer named Erika D. Smith published two pieces about the California recall gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder. She leads off her articles with these headlines: Larry Elder draws fire for N-word comedy clip Column: Larry Elder is the […]

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Three states now auditing 2020 election. Does this mean anything? [Video]

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Pushback against Biden begins, but Americans will appear weak [Video]

The United States is rapidly sliding from strength and nationhood to a Woke Dystopia of rampant and self-destructive Marxism and leftism. Nowhere is this more clear than the policy changes regarding illegal immigration across the nearly 2,000 mile border between the United States and Mexico. For all of 2020, the Border Patrol and ICE apprehended […]

Possible Pence Pounding as avenue to Trump victory revealed [Video]

Speculation is very dangerous, and this piece is speculative “news”. However, it is also real information about what is going on that explains why President Trump is not conceding the election. To cover it accurately as possible, we include two videos. The mainstream media is not covering this, but The Epoch Times and Steve Turley both […]