BOMBSHELL: Top Clinton Wikileaks Exposes Entire ‘Shadow Government’ – Jay Dyer (Vid)

Sick of politics? Well, me too, but this election reveals the deep state and vindicates us “conspiracy theorists” like never before. I give my analysis of what is really going down, from the CFR to drug running.  For more, purchase my book Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults & Symbols in Film here and subscribe to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links.

LIONEL PODCAST: No Matter What Weiner or Hillary or Huma Do, Voting Changes Nothing in a Corrupt System

“Nothing is said or done about the issues that neither left or right is discussing.”
The Hegelian Dialectic. Formulated by German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, the Hegelian Dialectic provides that the human mind cannot understand anything unless it can be split into two polar opposites, i.e. the Left/Right. It’s why this nonsense doesn’t matter.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 65 Roger Stone: The Master Manipulator

Today I discuss the infamous GOP dirty trickster Roger Stone. I talk about his history supporting anti-establishment and third party candidates in his quest to destroy them and prop up the ruling war-party and Republican establishment. I begin by explaining his role in funding, staffing, and orchestrating Al Sharpton’s 2004 presidential run. I break down how and why Stone got involved with Sharpton. I lay out that Stone’s goal in helping the paid FBI informant was more about destroying the run of ostensible anti-war candidate Howard Dean.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Most Comprehensive and Breathtaking Explanation and Disquisition of the Horror That Is #Election2016

We’re a classy country that appreciates decorum and elegance. Just not for elections. But always. Even our hallowed roster of esteemed and venerable entertainers weighed in with untold panache and style. I apologize in advance. It’s what and who we’ve become. We’re lost as a civilization, devolving daily as is are once believe republic. Don’t ever think that we can’t or won’t go the way of Rome. Enjoy this disquisition and summary of #Election2016. It’s all you need to know.

The Final Presidential Debate Live: Trump vs Hillary – Jay Dyer on Red Ice

Join Red Ice and special guests for live commentary during the final presidential debate between Trump and Hillary, along with post debate analysis. This is last night’s full commentary stream.
Guests include Jay Dyer, Angelo John Gage, James Edwards, Janet Bloomfield (aka JudgyBitch), Jazzhands McFeels & Catalyst.