GOP homophobia

Trump Supporters: Racists, Closet Cases, Nazis And Anti-Semites... Just Vile

More hog than human, Trumpist Pamela Taylor is being led away to a penI think everyone-- other than die-hard members of the Trump base-- can agree that Pamela Taylor is the worst piece of dog shit passing herself off as a human being. This woman defines "garbage" who should never have been born. You don't remember the name?

Will Rohrabacher's Crazy Homophobia Cost Him His Orange County Seat In Congress?

Should congressmen who get high and play dress-up be barred from buying homes in Orange Co?I can remember when I was a kid growing up on Long Island, there were fights in the suburbs-- Nassau County-- about selling houses to black families. Half the people who lived in some of these towns were there because of "white flight" and they brought their ugly bigotry and racism with them.

Transgender People-- A Tribute With Love To My Dear Friend Jack, Then Jane,  In Graduate School.

-by Melody SieglerOne of my best friends in graduate school was Jack. He was a serious scientist-- an accomplished scientist-- way more accomplished in his field than most graduate students of our cadre in Biology. Also, he was amazingly expert in old music, old 45s. And, who knows what else. He related well to everyone in the Department. And, he was always wonderful company.Jack had a health problem-- he had been born with various defective heart valves. But, by some miracle, these defects compensated for each other.