
Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Google’s Secret Ties to Spy Agencies

Peter B. Collins Presents Journalist Yasha Levine
Researching for his new book Surveillance Valley, Yasha Levine of Pando updates us on his probe of the origins of Google Earth. Now “the biggest private surveillance operation on planet Earth”, Google purchased the startup Keyhole, Inc. in 2003 from In-Q-Tel, the venture capital arm of the CIA. Levine’s recent FOIA response shows that the transaction is still secret, and that Google has become a significant military contractor, selling its data products to just about every major military and intelligence agency in America.

Not OK, Google! Covert installations of ‘eavesdropping tool’ raise alarm

RT | June 24, 2015 Open source developers and privacy campaigners are raising concerns over the automatic installation of a shady “eavesdropping tool” designed to enable ‘OK Google’ functionality but potentially capable of snooping on any conversation near the computer. When one installs an open source Chromium browser, as it turns out, it “downloads something” […]

The Library of Babel – FLNWO #27

[audio mp3=""][/audio]The universe is the internet is the library is the internet is the universe. Or is it? And if so, who are the librarians? And if we have all the information we can ever want, does that mean we have knowledge or wisdom? If not, how do we make it? Or who will make it for us? Join James this month for a Film, Literature and the New World Order examination of "The Library of Babel" by Jorge Luis Borges.

Mass Surveillance is Driven by the Private Sector

By Bill Blunden | CounterPunch | April 23, 2015 Yet another report has surfaced describing how tools created by the malware-industrial complex are being deployed by U.S. security services. While the coverage surrounding this story focuses primarily on federal agencies it’s important to step back for a moment and view the big picture. In particular, […]

Don’t See Evil: Google’s Boycott Campaign Against War Photography and Alternative Media

What happens when a dynamic company, started by a couple of idealistic friends in grad school, succeeds so wildly that it becomes a mega-corporation that pervades the lives of hundreds of millions? In imperial America, it would seem, it eventually becomes corrupted, even captured. Tragically, that seems to be the unfolding story of Google.

LIONEL PODCAST: Unreported News That Will Freak You Out!

Do you recognize this woman? The neocon’s neocon. She’s Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department of State. Author of the now historic, “Fuck the EU!” Her reckless rhetoric poses more of a threat to our national safety than any of the hypothetical terrorist threats from central casting.
What you need to know. Herein you will hear the following subjects that, trust me, the mainstream media have no interest in or clue about.