
Israel meets with Google and YouTube to discuss censoring Palestinian videos

Tzipi Hotovely waves Israeli flag to proclaim Israeli intent to rebuild the ‘Holy Temple.’ Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90 MEMO | November 25, 2015 Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely has met with representatives of YouTube and Google to discuss ways to cooperate in what she calls the fight against “inciting violence and terrorism.” Israel’s Maariv […] Tracks Content Takedowns by Facebook, Twitter, and Other Social Media Sites

New Project Will Gather Users’ Stories of Censorship from Around the World EFF |November 19, 2015 San Francisco – The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and Visualizing Impact launched today, a new platform to document the who, what, and why of content takedowns on social media sites. The project, made possible by a 2014 Knight […]

Data sharing deal with US must end due to ‘mass surveillance’ – EU court advisor

RT | September 23, 2015 The European Court of Justice’s top legal aid has said that a 15-year-old agreement that eases the transfer of data between the EU and the US should be ended, accusing American intelligence services of conducting “mass, indiscriminate surveillance.” The ECJ’s advocate-general, Yves Bot, said on Wednesday that the Safe Harbour […]

US-China Relations: The Pentagon versus High Tech

Step by step, Washington is inexorably setting up a major provocation against China. Until now, the Obama regime tightened a military encirclement of China, expanding its armed forces agreements with Japan, the Philippines and Australia. In addition, it has promoted the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), a regional trade agreement which openly excludes China.

Analog resistance: Activists protest CISA by faxing Congress

RT | July 28, 2015 Privacy activists are flooding Congress with messages of opposition to the cyber surveillance bill due to be considered by the Senate, using faxes rather than emails in order to poke fun at lawmakers’ antiquated understanding of technology and privacy. Fight for the Future, a nonprofit fighting for privacy and against […]