
Uber, Google, Twitter, Netflix and Other Tech Giants File ‘Unlawful’ Immigration Retort Against Trump

21st Century Wire says…
A group of top Silicon Valley tech companies have filed a rare legal brief stating Trump Administration’s Executive Order on immigration is discriminatory and “departs dramatically from the principles that have governed our immigration law for decades.”

Here is the letter by tech moguls from Google, Facebook, & Apple complaining about migrant executive order

Joining in on the President Trump’s immigration executive order hissy fit are the billionaire elite from various Silicon Valley tech companies.
Alphabet (parent of Google), Apple, Facebook, Uber, Stripe, CPG and various other companies have penned a letter opposing U.S. President Trump’s travel ban…a ban which Barack Obama drafted but did not fully enforce.

US Fact-Checking Institute Sponsored by Soros on War Path Against ‘Fake News’

Sputnik – 26.01.2017 The fake news “hysteria” has recently resulted in a number of initiatives to fight against the so-called misleading information and false statements. The campaign has been launched by such Internet giants, as Facebook and Google. For instance, Google has permanently blocked 200 publishers which are labelled by the search engine giants as fake news […]

Google, Facebook purge ‘fake news’ sites

RT | January 25, 2017 Under increased scrutiny for supporting the spread of false and misleading news, Google and Facebook are taking steps to purge networks of several hundred fake news sites. On Wednesday, Google announced it had reviewed some 550 sites since its policy changes, permanently banning nearly 200 published sites and temporarily cutting […]