
‘Any Data They Can Intercept’: US Congress Will Let Companies Sell Browsing Data

Sputnik – 29.03.2017 Following in the Senate’s footsteps, the US House of Representatives has approved a piece of legislation that would allow massive telephone and cable companies to sell the data generated by internet users’ browsing habits. On March 28, the US House narrowly passed a bill that analysts say is a huge win for […]

The Truth About YouTubes Demise

This video perfectly summarizes everything that’s going wrong with YouTube lately, and where the site is headed in the future.

  • It’s not about left VS right.

All kinds of political channels are being censored through “restricted mode” and having their content demonetized, as well as channels that only deal with entertainment. While both left-wing and right-wing media corporations are excempt from this.
Why is Fox News, a really right-wing corporation, allowed on the trending page whereas my videos are censored from the trending page?

Google and Twitter to blame for London terror attacks?

David Cameron followed Barack Obama’s lead and helped to arm and fund ISIS, in an effort to remove Assad and get a Qatari/Saudi pipeline built through Syria and onto Europe.
52-year-old Khalid Masood was known to police and MI5. Islamic State claimed Masood was its ‘soldier’.
Home Secretary Amber Rudd denied failures but admitted that ‘one got through’.
Somehow this is Google and Twitter’s fault? 

Judge Orders Google to Hand over Data on Anyone Who Searched for a Certain Name

(ANTIMEDIA) Hennepin County, MN — A Minnesota judge recently signed a search warrant ordering Google, Inc. to hand over personal information on anyone who searched a specific name, a decision that could set an alarming precedent that would render the fourth amendment virtually ineffective with regard to online privacy.

Google employs army of censors “quality raters” to combat horrid things on the web

OffGuardian | March 15, 2017 It seems the unofficial Minitrue we predicted in yesterday’s piece is already here. Google’s “Quality raters” will, from Tuesday, be combing the net with fresh vigour looking for “upsetting-offensive” things and making sure we never get to see them. The article in the Guardian covering this new development highlights its […]