
The Library of Babel – Film, Literature and the New World Order

The universe is the internet is the library is the internet is the universe. Or is it? And if so, who are the librarians? And if we have all the information we can ever want, does that mean we have knowledge or wisdom? If not, how do we make it? Or who will make it for us? Join James this month for a Film, Literature and the New World Order examination of “The Library of Babel” by Jorge Luis Borges.

Orwellian Google censors news based YouTube videos

YouTube has begun a mass censorship drive deceivingly called a crackdown on “extremist content”. In actual fact, YouTube has been discovered to be censoring videos by reputable news organisations, anti-war activists and independent journalists.
RT reports,

“YouTube and parent company Google’s efforts to crack down on extremist content has resulted in embarrassment after its technology targeted videos from monitors, journalists and Syrian opposition, amongst others.

Anti-Google artwork pops up all over the streets of Los Angeles (Video + Photos)

Last week, Google fired senior software developer James Damore after he circulated a memo on the basic biological (and logical) differences between the male and female genders and how these differences affect Google.
The memo went viral and feminists snowflakes went ballistic upon learning that the two sexes have some fundamental differences that no amount of PC talk will make go away…and Damore was fired for his heresy.

Diversity Vs Free Speech At Google

Google had a good idea. They're trying to encourage diversity in hiring and the company suggested employees use an internal electronic bulletin board for a company-wide discussion. Then they fired someone who discussed.I remember when I would sit through executive meetings at Warner Bros Records at one point and marvel at how few women and young people and people of color there were around the table.

Jared Taylor - AmRen Growing, Rape Gangs in Newcastle and Google Fires James Damore - Hour 1

Jared Taylor is an American journalist, editor of the American Renaissance webzine, and president of the New Century Foundation. His organizations are dedicated to the study of immigration and race relations. Mr. Taylor is the author of several books and scholarly papers, including Paved with Good Intentions, White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century, and the forthcoming monograph entitled If We Do Nothing.
A video version of this show is available here.

YouTube Under Fire After Mass Deleting Videos Deemed ‘Extremist Material’

The removals began days after Google, which owns YouTube, trumpeted the arrival of an artificial intelligence program that it said could spot and flag “extremist” videos without human involvement.
YouTube is facing criticism after a new artificial intelligence program monitoring “extremist” content began flagging and removing masses of videos and blocking channels that document war crimes in the Middle East.

CounterPunch: Google Censors Block Access To Alternative News

A man walks past a building on the Google campus in Mountain View, Calif.
The U.S. government, and the information technology companies which collaborate with it, is moving fully into the camp of governments which relentlessly utilize the internet to collect users online data, monitor their activities, and control what they can see and do.

Stefan Molyneux speaks with fired Google employee James Damore (Video)

Stefan Molyneux has a conversation with fired Google employee James Damore over his shocking “Google memo” which does the unthinkable, and references biology and science, to conclude that men and women may be a genetically different…and this may be one of many factors determining divergent career paths between the sexes.
Bottom line, men and women, on average, are interested in different things…and this is natural from a biological standpoint.