
Tell Me More About How Google Isn’t Part Of The Government And Can Therefore Censor Whoever It Wants?

By Caitlyn Johnstone | March 8, 2018 When you tell an establishment Democrat that Google’s hiding and removal of content is a dangerous form of censorship, they often magically transform into Ayn Rand right before your eyes. “It’s a private company and they can do what they like with their property,” they will tell you. […]

All-Seeing Eye: Google working with Pentagon on using AI for drone improvement

MQ-9 Reaper Drone. FILE PHOTO: © Gene Blevins / Global Look Press RT | March 7, 2018 Ubiquitous IT giant Google has silently inked a partnership with the Department of Defense to militarize artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, reinvigorating fears of a Terminator-style apocalyptic scenario. Google has been secretly working with the Pentagon in […]

Hey Google! Who Should the US Government Kill Today?

(ANTIMEDIA) — Only months after it was disclosed that the Pentagon was using artificial intelligence (AI) to hunt for terrorists, officials have now acknowledged that Google has been collaborating with the Department of Defense to use AI in analyzing drone footage. The disclosure comes amid an uproar among Google employees who aren’t happy to be assisting in the development […]

Google Tried to Censor What Americans Can Buy Online — but It Totally Backfired

(ANTIMEDIA)  — Very silently — and very temporarily — this week Google appeared to have chosen a side in the gun control debate in the wake of the recent school shooting in Florida that left 17 people dead. Disappointingly, that stance involved censorship of what shoppers using the corporation’s search engine could find online. On Tuesday morning, people shopping […]

Social media bow to pressure and censor dissident voices

By Nebojsa Malic | RT | February 27, 2018 Twitter, YouTube and Facebook, accused of enabling US President Donald Trump’s rise to power through “Russian meddling,” are facing pressure to de-platform heretics. This has raised fears for the safety of free speech in the US. At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this past weekend, […]

YouTube Is Using Artificial Intelligence To Delete Channels & To Handle Subsequent Appeals

By Richie Allen | February 25, 2018 Hello, Thank you for your account suspension appeal. We have decided to keep your account suspended based on our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service. Please visit for more information. Sincerely, The YouTube Team Short and sweet from Google. I wrote to them (using their appeal form) […]