
Gay Adoption: Is This Really the Most Pressing Issue in Adoption Today?

The media has focused on gay adoption for quite a while, perhaps because it is controversial and controversy – like sex – sells. So, it is little wonder the attention being given to gay rights advocates who are up in arms about laws they see as discriminating against them in the adoption arena based on religious beliefs of adoption agencies such as the law recently passed in  Kansas granting legal protections for faith-based adoption agencies that refuse to place children in LGBTQ homes.

Google, Big Tech and the US War Machine in the Global South

By Michael Kwet | CounterPunch | April 27, 2018 The recent Facebook and Cambridge Analytica fiasco deepened public concern about the political power and allegiances of Big Tech corporations. Soon after the story went viral, 3,100 Google employees submitted a petition to Google CEO Sundar Pichai protesting Google’s involvement in a Pentagon program called “Project Maven”. Last […]

Lawmakers Receiving Campaign Donations Are Silent on Google Censorship

The criteria for Youtube censorship includes "controversial religious or supremacist content", and "controversial and inflammatory content", which is totally subjective.  Youtube makes the call, and they are biased and political.  The Southern Poverty Law Center, an extremist group known for inciting hatred and division, acts as a trusted flagger of video content.  Republicans defend Google against anti-trust issues because Google funds campaigns, the media and NGOs. [...]

Google Can Swing Nearly 80% of Undecided Voters By Manipulating Its Search Engines

Google can shift the opinions of undecided voters by as much as 43% by inserting negative suggestions under the name of a candidate, according to a new study from the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology. Earlier research showed that the manipulation of results pages in search engines can shift the voting preferences of undecideds by anywhere between 20% and 80%, depending on the demographic. [...]

Russian move to block Telegram creates wider access problems for Russian Internet users

First appeared on
Internet users in the Russian Federation may have noticed something different in the last week or two. Many Internet sites that were available in March are no longer available now, at least not without a VPN in use to set the user’s computer outside the Russian Federation.
Is this government censorship?
Hardly, at least not in the expected sense of sanctioning the West.

Pentagon Capitalism and Silicon Valley: Google’s Drone War Project Shows Big Data’s Military Roots

By Elliott GABRIEL | Mint Press News | April 6, 2018 Google — the advertising and search engine monolith that once touted its official commitment, “Don’t be evil” — has thrown its full weight behind the U.S. military-industrial complex’s fast-advancing unmanned drone program – and more than three thousand of its employees will have none […]

Google’s File on You Is 10 Times Bigger Than Facebook’s — Here’s How to View It

(ANTIMEDIA) — With all the attention paid to Facebook in recent weeks over ‘data breaches’ and privacy violations (even though what happened with Cambridge Analytica is part of their standard business model), it’s easy to forget that there are four other Big Tech corporations collecting just as much — if not more — of our personal info. […]