
Social Networks as Dead Ends for Activists

There was a time when the internet was an experiment in anarchy, but it is increasingly becoming an experiment in “stateness”, meaning police-order. Social networks are in crisis. Our governments are losing patience with them, grilling geek after geek to demand they be more loyal to the nation-state and take a more active role suppressing apparently foreign points of view.

Google Lists “Nazi” in GOP Search Results and Twitter Censors Drudge

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes has admonished Google and Twitter over anti-conservative censorship and called for a new search engine that doesn't censor conservatives. Last week Google was called out after a search result showed the word "Nazism" under the California Republican Party's ideology. Nunes also criticized Twitter for censoring the Drudge Report. [...]

Employee Backlash Against Google Prompts Company to Let Its AI Contract with the Pentagon Expire

Google gave in to employee demands after dozens of them quit and close to 4,000 signed a petition demanding that the tech giant cancel its contract with the Pentagon to build artificial intelligence (AI) technology for weapons and that it implement “a clear policy stating that neither Google nor its contractors will ever build warfare technology." [...]

As New Privacy Rules Hit Europe, Google and Facebook Hit With $8.8 Billion in Lawsuits

(CD) — Accusing Facebook, Google, WhatsApp, and Instagram of “intentionally” violating Europe’s strict new privacy rules that officially went into effect on Friday, Austrian lawyer and privacy activist Max Schrems filed four lawsuits against the tech companies arguing they are still “coercing users into sharing personal data” despite rolling out new policies ostensibly aimed at complying with the new […]