
Google is Tracking You Even When Your Phone’s ‘Location History’ is Off

Android and iPhone users may be under the impression that Google is not tracking their location data if they’ve turned off “Location History” on their devices.
After all, the Google support page says, “With Location History off, the places you go are no longer stored.”
But a new Associated Press investigation showed how that is not really the case. Some Google apps still automatically collect users’ location markers—information it can use to benefit its advertising revenue. To wit:

Exposed: How Google Still Tracks You Even When ‘Location History’ Is Turned Off

New investigation by Associated Press shows how iPhone and Android users’ location data is still recorded even when they have been misled to believe it isn’t. (CD) — Android and iPhone users may be under the impression that Google is not tracking their location data if they’ve turned off “Location History” on their devices. After all, the […]

Alex Jones & Libertarians Banned From Google, Facebook – Free Speech & Transhumanism! – Jay Dyer

The tech companies have moved to censor, as we predicted 4 years ago. Alex Jones and others have been banned from Google, Facebook and other platforms in an effort to not only chill the dissent, but to prepare for the full onslaught of transhumanism.
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The Real “Fake News” From Government Media

By Scott Lazarowitz | ActivistPost | July 31, 2018 Facebook has announced its campaign against “fake news.” But, according to some workers’ own admission, conservatives are being censored. And Google also wants to censor “fake news.” But Google also was shown to treat conservative websites, but not liberal ones, as “fake news.” The same thing seems to be going on with Twitter. And […]

VIDEO: Facebook, Twitter, Google Intentionally Suppress Conservative Content

With all the public furor about Cambridge Analytica the corporate media and political establishment has extremely careful to avoid mentioning the role of the George Soros-funded radical left-wing political organization Media Matters in data mining and advising social media monopolists on how to restrict content on their platforms under the cover of “fighting fake news”.

Be Evil: Whistleblower Exposes Google Plan for Censored Search Engine in China

(CD) — In a move human rights groups are warning could have grave implications for internet freedom across the globe, Google is reportedly preparing to launch a “censored version” of its search engine in China that will automatically blacklist terms and websites related to peaceful dissent, free expression, and democracy. According to The Intercept‘s Ryan Gallagher, who first reported on the […]

Are big social media companies being used to advance the New World Order’s agenda?

When they were first created, these social media platforms were essentially neutral, and they really did greatly contribute to the marketplace of ideas. But now there is a tremendous effort to censor voices that are a threat to the establishment, and in recent months we have witnessed the greatest purge of conservative voices in the history of the Internet.