
Eric Zuesse: Boycott All US-Corporate Media!

Now Twitter is just as corrupt (propaganda-organizations) as Google and Facebook and MSNBC and CNN and Fox and the Washington Post and The Atlantic and all the rest.
Caitlin Johnstone nailed it, on September 12th, under the headline “Have You Noticed How Social Media Purges Always Align With The US Empire?” and she opened:

Google Nest Hub surveillance system lets you bring Big Brother home with you

RT | September 10, 2019 Google’s Nest Hub surveillance system is constantly looking for its owner’s face and technically can’t be shut off, raising privacy concerns and questions about data misuse by the company that brags it toes the “creepy line.” The latest “smart-home” device from Mountain View comes equipped with a constantly-scanning facial-recognition-enabled camera […]

Biometric Fight: Facebook Defeated on Facial Recognition, But Google, Amazon Still Pushing Ahead

Whether you like it to or not, facial recognition is set to play an ever-growing role in people’s everyday lives. Nonetheless, the fight is now on: push-back has now begun against Silicon Valley’s global digital monopolies who seek to harvest the facial imaging data of every single user on the planet. But with seemingly endless resources and lobbying muscle, do not expect digital barons to give up on implementing a biometeric control grid.

How the CIA, Mossad and “the Epstein Network” are exploiting mass shootings to create an Orwellian nightmare

Graphic by Claudio Cabrera By Whitney Webb | MintPress News | September 6, 2019 Following the arrest and subsequent death in prison of alleged child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, a little-known Israeli tech company began to receive increased publicity, but for all the wrong reasons. Not long after Epstein’s arrest, and his relationships and finances […]

Big Tech & Big Brother meet at Facebook HQ to discuss how to ‘secure’ US elections

RT | September 5, 2019 Security teams for Facebook, Google, Twitter and Microsoft met with the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence’s office to coordinate a strategy to win – er, secure – the 2020 elections. The tech platforms met with government officials at Facebook’s Menlo Park headquarters on […]

Google’s Power to Shift Elections—Zachary Vorhies, Greg Coppola and Dr. Robert Epstein

American Thought Leaders – The Epoch Times – August 23, 2019 According to Google whistleblower Zachary Vorhies, how is Google suppressing certain viewpoints, promoting others, and altering public perception? Is there evidence of active intent on the part of Google staff or executives? And in the eyes of Dr. Robert Epstein, what are the broader […]

Google Is Not a Search Engine, It Is a Social Engineering Program

By Helen Buyniski – Helen of Destroy – August 28, 2019 If you had the opportunity to interview a whistleblower from one of the world’s most powerful companies after he’d leaked nearly 1,000 pages of internal company documents revealing the company is not only manipulating US politics, but working hard to alter the very fabric of […]

‘My Work is Rock Solid’: Researcher Defends Google Electioneering Findings Bashed by Clinton

Sputnik – August 30, 2019 When US President Donald Trump cited a report on Google’s election manipulation last week, Hillary Clinton and the mainstream media attacked both the study and its author as inaccurate. However, the author told Sputnik not only is his research “rock solid,” its damning indictment of Google includes Clinton and the […]