
Pentagon & Google Partner On COVID-Driven AI “Predictive Health” & The Wuhan Chinese Virologist

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/17/20). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth Read More...

‘Green’ billionaires behind professional activist network that led suppression of ‘Planet of the Humans’ documentary

The Michael Moore-produced ‘Planet of the Humans’ faced a coordinated suppression campaign led by professional climate activists backed by the same ‘green’ billionaires, Wall Street investors, industry insiders and family foundations skewered in the film. By Max Blumenthal “We must take control of our environmental movement and our future from billionaires and their permanent war on Planet Earth. They are not our friends.” -Jeff Gibbs, director of “Planet of the Humans” It is hard to think of an American film […]

Good Riddance: Facebook Threats and News Opportunities

News and information can only go so far.  Despite the utopian fluffiness about having multiple platforms, the consumers of news want only one thing: the reassurance that their prejudice is secure and their world view left unchallenged.   The reader of Rupert Murdoch’s Sun would dare not venture into the sinned waters of The Guardian.  Those of The Guardian would argue that readership was an oxymoronic term when used for the Sun.

Dr Dolores Cahill Speech in Dublin Destroys Gov’t Argument for COVID Lockdown, Masks and Vaccines

Since the onset of the COVID crisis, one of the most censored people on social media has been Dr. Dolores Cahill from Ireland – targeted by corporate censors at Silicon Valley firms like YouTube and Google, and automatically flagged by the automated ‘fact checker’ censorship feature on Facebook. So-called ‘third party fact-checkers’ from mainstream corporate media outlets like USA Today, AFP, Science Feedback – claim to know more about biological science than Dr. Cahill, and they believe they are entitled to shutdown her views and opinions aired on social media platforms.

How Israel wages War on Palestinian History

By Jonathan Cook – The National – August 21, 2020

When the Palestinian actor Mohammed Bakri made a documentary about Jenin in 2002 – filming immediately after the Israeli army had completed rampaging through the West Bank city, leaving death and destruction in its wake – he chose an unusual narrator for the opening scene: a mute Palestinian youth.

ShadowGate Documentary banned and arrest shows deepening war [Video]

Where do you get your news from? 
It is probably not CBS, ABC, NBC or even Fox News most of the time; not if you have a smartphone with a Twitter, Youtube or Facebook feed. In fact, online sources are likely to be first to bring any given story to our attentionand maybe we will go to one of these venerable sources for confirmation, if we have time. Most of the time we do not take the time to do this.
And, they know that. Yes, “They.” Them. The shadow government. The Deep State. Soros. They all know this.

Google’s Open Letter: Fighting Australia’s News Media Bargaining Code

Tech giants tend to cast thin veils over threats regarding government regulations.  They are also particularly concerned by those more public spirited ones, the sort supposedly made for the broader interest.  Google has given us an example of this in an open letter published on August 17 to all Australians – the generosity that comes with transparency – that does[Read More...]