
Google’s Eric Schmidt & The Artificial Intelligence Military-Industrial Complex

The simple fact that the AI Commission is led by former Google CEO Eric Schmidt should trouble those who care for privacy, accountability, transparency, and individual liberty. In late January, the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI), or the AI Commission, released a draft of their upcoming report to Congress, rejecting calls to ban Read More...

Facebook Unfriends Australia: The Triumph of Epistemic Chaos

Creepy and ruthless Facebook has again impressed with its steely indifference to civic responsibility, as if a company established by a sociopath could ever be a model of human improvement. On February 18, Mark Zuckerberg’s antisocial company took aim at Australia by blocking those in that country from sharing local and international content.  As the […]

How the Big-Tech monopolies are hurting their own value

By David James | OffGuardian | February 19, 2021 The increasing censorship by the tech monopolies is rightly prompting protests from those who see it as an attack on free speech. What has been less noticed, however, is that the social media companies are adopting one of the strangest, and potentially most self-defeating, business strategies […]

DHS is paying Deranged Leftists to find a way to make you change your political beliefs

By Eric Striker | National Justice | February 19, 2021 Fresh off a summer of prolonged murder and arson organized by leftists, the Department of Homeland Security announced the lucky winners of its “domestic terrorism prevention” grant system last September. One recipient program is at American University’s School of Communications, which got $568,613 from the DHS to […]

The Tycoon Plot

By ISRAEL SHAMIR • Unz Review • February 11, 2021 Millionaires want to make money. Billionaires want to make history. We may add that multi-billionaires take it further; they want mankind to adapt to their needs and wishes. As for people who control trillions, why, they care about our wishes as much as we care […]

The Questionable Characters Behind the Kushner-Linked Insurance Giant Oscar Health

Oscar Health, a tech-based telehealth insurance mishmash co-founded by Joshua Kushner is about to go public with a massive IPO underwritten by the gods of Wall Street and backed by Silicon Valley titans.
The post The Questionable Characters Behind the Kushner-Linked Insurance Giant Oscar Health appeared first on MintPress News.

Information Interruptus: Bing, Google and the News Media Bargaining Code

It’s looking a touch quixotic, but the News Media Bargaining Code has become Australia’s weapon of choice in attempting to redistribute proceeds from big tech into the coffers of a withering fourth estate.  It has now reached a point of sufficient concern for Google as to become threatening, winding its way to a Senate Committee Inquiry before going to Parliament[Read More...]

Google folds to Australian government, offers paid platform to some publishers

Google folds to Australian government, offers paid platform to some publishers ****News Topic 279***** Google Reverses Course In Australia – Opens Paid Platform For (Some) Australian News Google Reverses Course In Australia – Opens Paid Platform For (Some) Australian News The Australian government has possibly obtained a rare, partial victory in its standoff with Google. […]