good news

Teen with Autism Receives 10,000 Birthday Cards

Hallee Sorenson, who has autism, had her 18th birthday party at a bowling alley. The excited teen was ready for all of her friends to show up and wish her well, however she was devastated when not one person showed up. Instead of spending her 18th birthday party socializing and eating cake, she spent her special day crying.
Hallee’s cousin, Rebecca Guildford, was heartbroken for her relative. She said, “Hallee is funny, sweet, caring, smart, an athlete, a jigsaw puzzle champion, a wonderful student, and a best friend to all.”

Moms Launch Food Pantry Tailored for Kids with Allergies

If you have a child that is restricted to a “special” diet because of food allergies or other health issues, you know how expensive it can be trying to tailor your meals and snacks so that he doesn’t wind up with hives, or worse. Two Kansas moms with lots of experience in trying to keep their kiddos healthy and happy without breaking the bank decided to do something about it.

Myth Busted: Beards are Cleaner than a Baby-Bottom Smooth Face

Some are disheveled, some are shaggy, and some are barely there. Beards are popular right now, much to many women’s dismay, and while beards sometimes catch soup and crumbs, they’re actually not unhygienic.
Adam Roberts, a clean-shaved microbiologist from University College London, decided to comb through guys’ facial hair to find out if they contain…poop. Not soup, but poop.