Golden Dawn

Golden Dawn: Greece’s Neo-Nazi Party Convicted as Criminal Organization

On October 7, after a five-year trial, the leadership of the fascist Golden Dawn (GD) party of Greece was found guilty of criminal actions and the party itself was deemed a “criminal organization.” Fifty-one of the sixty-nine accused received prison terms based on their crimes. It was the longest trial in Greek history since constitutional […]

Greece Gives Birth to Another Virulent Neo-Nazi Party — Is the U.S. Ambassador One of Its Proud Godfathers?

“Greeks for the Fatherland:” Ilias Kasidiaris and Greece’s New Far-Right Party A new neo-Nazi party, “Greeks for the Fatherland,” has formed in Greece under the leadership of former Golden Dawn (GD) leader Ilias Kasidiaris as the infamous GD Party begins to fade. Serious fissures in GD began in July 2019 when GD failed to enter […]

Sherlock Holmes – Black Magic of The Occult Empire Revealed – Jay Dyer

I’ve wanted to do an analysis of Sherlock for many years, but only now have I gotten around to it, which worked out well since I would have missed the sex magic aspect of creating Blackwood. Reviewing the film after a few years, there was quite a bit of esotericism in this worth analyzing. Enjoy!
Audio Here 
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David Bowie’s Occult Labyrinth – Esoteric Hollywood

Recorded shortly before the news reports of Bowie’s death, I did a wild and wacky segment on Henson’s spandex classic with Bowie, The Labyrinth.  In this talk I cover my in-depth written analysis of the esoteric and occult elements of this children’s fantasy, replete with Jungian references, Egyptian hermeticism and the Golem.
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Greece: The Dilemmas of Democratic Socialism

Greece is experiencing a triple crisis which has a profound impact on the economy, society and political system. The economy has experienced a deep, prolonged depression lasting six years and continuing. Workers and employees have suffered a 40% loss in income and a commensurate decline in medical, pension, educational and welfare benefits. The political system has witnessed a precipitous decline in electoral support for previously dominant right and center left parties and the rapid rise of radical democratic-socialist and fascist parties.