Golan Heights

Syria Between the Ottoman Hammer and the Israeli Anvil

Syria, uncomfortably and vulnerably, finds itself sandwiched between the Ottoman hammer to the North and the Israeli anvil to the South. Both power houses are, hostile, expansionist and occupy Syrian territory. When one thinks of a ‘safe zone’ along the Syrian-Turkish border on the Syrian side, one is reminded of the American-Mexican border. Both borders face a similar security situation: one state faces security threats emanating from the neighboring state.

Lying for Israel: Why Nearly Everyone in Washington Does It

It is not often that one hears anything like the truth in today’s Washington, a city where the art of dissimulation has reached new heights among both Democrats and Republicans. Everyone who has not been asleep like Rip Van Winkle for the past twenty years knows that the most powerful foreign lobby operating in the United States is that of the state of Israel.

Shadow of Sarajevo 1914 Hangs Over Trump’s Golan Coup

Trump and Netanyahu still congratulate themselves on getting the United States to recognize Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights. They should not.
It looked like an absurd petty vanity in 1908 when the Austro-Hungarian Empire formally annexed the obscure Balkan provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Six years later that move set off the greatest war in human history and destroyed the old empire forever.
The Israelis have just made the same mistake in getting the United States under President Donald Trump to recognize their annexation of the Golan Heights.

‘Trump Shtetl’: Netanyahu pledges to Name Illegal Golan Settlement After US President

In a move that is meant to express the deep gratitude of the illegal occupiers of UN recognized territory in Palestine and Syria, Israel’s embattled far-right nationalist Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has pledged to name the Zionist entity’s newest illegal settlement in the occupied Golan Heights after U.S. President Donald J. Trump.

BREAKING: Israel Attacks Aleppo, Helping Terrorist Ground Forces

Syrian air defenses engage incoming hostile Israel missiles.
ALEPPO, SYRIA (00.15) – Israeli fighter jets appear to have launched a fresh attack against Syria, this time firing air to ground missiles at multiple targets in the northern province of Aleppo. Primary Israeli targets include Aleppo International Airport, and Nayrab Airbase.
The Syrian air defense systems have engaged Israeli missiles over the City of Aleppo, shooting down approximately 12 incoming targets.

Porkins Policy Radio 179 New 9/11 warnings unearthed and Russiagate revelations with Jon Gold

This week research Jon Gold joined me to talk about some of recent revelations regarding the 9/11 coverup. We started off with some breaking news out of Guantanamo regarding the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others, and alleged recordings of them speaking about the 9/11 attacks months before they happened. Jon and I discussed the significance of these recordings and why they have been hidden from the public and defense lawyers at the military tribunal.