GMO labeling

Poll: GMOs Among ‘Most Popular Topics’ Of The year

Genetically modified organisms in our food supply should be a concern for people in all age groups. In a recent survey, the issue of genetically modifying the food supply was named one of the top stories influencing behavior in Americans under 40. It’s also one of the most important food stories that most mainstream media outlets simply aren’t representing accurately.

Meet The Industry Behind This Staple ‘Health’ Food Fighting GMO Labeling

Once you’ve started drinking Monsanto’s kool-aid, it’s hard to stop. In unfortunate news, the sugar beet industry of Idaho, who has bought Monsanto’s Round-Up Ready sugar beet seeds meant to withstand copious spraying with glyphosate-based herbicide, is putting on hold GMO labeling initiatives in the state.

8 Reasons Monsanto is Defeating GMO Labeling Initiatives

The moneyed corporations running the GMO show certainly don’t make it easy. Now that they have won not one, but four different GMO labeling battles, what makes anyone think we can win against Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, Bayer, Cargill, and the GMA, just to name a few Round-Up-Ready giants? Though a difficult food war to overcome, we do have the power and collective voice to win – but we must all know what we’re up against.
“If you are going through hell, keep going.”
~ Winston Churchill

GMO Labeling Sweeping Nation: Arizona May Soon Enforce Labels

State representatives in Arizona have proposed a measure that would require food manufacturers to label some genetically modified foods. Similar to Minnesota, Rhode Island, Indiana, and other states, at least Arizona lawmakers are listening to the people’s choice to have their food labeled as genetically modified when it contains biotech-altered ingredients.

Indiana Proposes Yet Another GMO Labeling Bill for Food Freedoms

As Oregon, Washington, California, Maui, and Vermont have all struggled against the biotech behemoths to get GMO labeling laws to pass, each with varying success, a surprising advocate for the cause has turned up in Indiana. Here is yet another state that may soon represent the people who want to know what they’re eating.

96% Of Monsanto Shareholders Vote Against GMO Labeling

Are Monsanto’s shareholders not very proud of the product that they invest their hard earned dollars into? Wouldn’t letting you know that so many food products contain their ‘perfectly safe’ and amazing genetically modified organisms enhance their brand? Or perhaps they simply know that Monsanto would face economic meltdown in the event that consumers knew what they were eating.

Minnesota’s New GMO Labeling Bill Could Change Everything For Monsanto

When you think of GMO labeling initiatives, you probably don’t immediately think about the tucked away Midwestern state of Minnesota. But in a move that could very well beat out states like California and New York in finally achieving a full-fledged GMO labeling law system, Minnesota legislatures have introduced brand new highly-backed GMO labeling legislation that is shaping up to be quite promising.