GMO labeling

This City in Oregon is Set to Become a ‘GMO-Free’ Zone

The state of Vermont recently experienced an enormous victory over biotech corruption when their legislators chose to uphold a mandatory GMO labeling bill, but Benton County Oregon might soon one-up that mighty action by becoming a GMO-free zone.
Ballots were mailed to Benton County residents on April 30, and a vote will transpire no late than May 19th, 2015. The new ordinance is an attempt for local residents to take back their food supply. Measure 2-89 would:

26 Organizations that Support GMO Labeling

You know all those biotech shills who still claim that there is no ‘science’ behind anti-GM claims? What if millions of members (PDF download) of the global medical community disagreed? There is no consensus on the safety of GMOs, though numerous organizations believe that they should be labeled at the very least.
As Environmental Sciences Europe explains:

Poll: 90% of Ohio Citizens Want GMO Foods to be Labeled

Whether you’re for, against, or undecided on genetically modified foods, there is one thing that individuals in all categories agree on: label them! Following numerous other states in the US, a poll has found the majority population in Ohio don’t like genetically engineered foods, and 87% of them want foods containing GMO ingredients to be labeled.

New Bill Would Give Monsanto Immunity and Squash GMO Labeling

If ever there was a GMO lackey and puppet that stood for the poisoning of the people with GMOs over standing up for the constituents who voted him into office, its Representative Mike Pompeo. There’s a special kind of ‘wow’ reserved for Congressional bills like the one he’s once again proposing on behalf of Monsanto and Big Biotech.