GMO labeling

Survey: 68% of Doctors Think GMOs Should be Labeled

Most Americans aren’t waiting for doctors to support GMO labeling. We have been very clear; we want GMO labeling now, and we are even willing to go to court for it. Now, mirroring what millions of Americans have voiced over the past years, a leading network of doctor’s has voted on GMO labeling, and they overwhelmingly support it.

Senate Passes TPP ‘Fast-Tracking’ That Could Make GMO Labeling Illegal

It is a sad day in the fight against Monsanto, GMO labeling, and the future of the planet. The Senate has adopted a law that would give ‘fast-track’ ability for the so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) — a highly secretive bill that could restrict GMO labeling in the United States and abroad. In fact, some legal experts believe it could make GMO labeling completely illegal.

The Truth Behind The USDA’s ‘Non-GMO Label’ Revealed

US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, also known as Monsanto’s errand boy, sent a letter to media outlets on May 1st of this year stating that the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has, for a long time now, offered a Process Verified non-GMO label to food manufacturers. In the least, the claim has kicked up some dust to make understanding the USDA non-GM label claims a little difficult to see through.

Natural Society Launches Petition: Don’t Let the USDA Ruin GMO Labeling!

The USDA has officially announced that it will soon be rolling out their new ‘Non-GMO labels’ worldwide. This is an organization that has admittedly given Monsanto ‘fast track approval‘ with less safety testing for their latest GMO crops. Now is the time to hold the USDA accountable for their Non-GMO labels, and to demand that the agency recruits the help of independent scientific agencies to verify the accuracy of these labels.

Ask Quaker Food Maker to Support GMO Labeling

Quaker, the parent company of Pepsi-Co, along with other food manufacturers, have spent a combined $100 million to keep people from knowing what is in their food. Please help send a message to this maker of ‘family foods’ to support GMO labeling.
Quaker stands for ‘healthy food,’ or so it says:
“We put wholesome goodness in everything we do.”

Huge Victory: USDA Introduces Official Non-GMO Label

For years the public has been asking the U.S. government to institute mandatory labeling for any products containing genetically modified ingredients. Now, in response to the sounds of public outcry and vital activism, the United States Department of Agriculture is being forced to do something. The agency has developed a new government certification which companies can use to show that the product is completely free of GMOs.