Gloria Tinubu

Donald Sterling: It's Not Just The Racism... It's The Grotesque And Oppressive Nature Of Economic Inequality Writ Large

Sterling's wife, Rochelle, is suing his girlfriend, V. Stiviano, claiming she received more than $2.5 million in lavish gifts from the Clippers owner, including a $1.8 million duplex, a Ferrari, two Bentleys and a Range RoverYou've probably read a lot more about Republican Donald Sterling than you have about Dr. Gloria Bromell Tinubu, the Democratic nominee for SC-07. That's the way the media works.

Is South Carolina Ready To Elect A Woman To Congress… A Woman Named Tinubu-- Don't Answer Yet

Remember South Carolina crackpot Joe Wilson, the right-wing freak who screamed out "You lie!" at President Obama when he gave the State of the Union address in 2009 and was then formally admonished by the House? So far, according to ProgressivePunch, he has the most extreme right wing voting record of anyone from South Carolina for the 2013-'14 session. His crucial vote score is a shocking 2.80 (out of 100).